How long does a bank transfer take? | N26 Support DE

How long does a bank transfer take?

  • Incoming SEPA instant transfers to N26 accounts are instant, as long as they are sent from a bank that supports instant credit transfers. However, transfers may sometimes be delayed if they need to be checked due to SEPA banking regulations
  • Incoming regular SEPA transfers arrive within a maximum of 2 working days. Keep in mind that if a transfer is made just before a weekend or holiday, the time frame will be extended to a maximum of 3 working days.
  • Incoming SWIFT transfers take up to 4 working days to arrive. 
  • Outgoing SEPA instant transfers arrive instantly.
  • Regular outgoing SEPA transfers take up to 2 working days.
  • Depending on the currency, outgoing foreign currency transfers may take up to 10 working days.
  • Outgoing SWIFT transfers are not supported.

What’s a “banking day”?

One banking day is equivalent to two working days due to the opening hours of the banks involved. Any weekday that is not a holiday is considered a working day.

My transfer hasn’t arrived — where is it?

So what if you’ve factored in all of the above, and the transfer still hasn’t come through? In such cases, only the issuing bank can launch an internal investigation.

Unfortunately at N26, we can’t investigate incoming transfers, only outgoing ones. But you can still consult this list of potential reasons why a transfer might fail.

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