Account in conjunction with §§ 30 ff. ZKG
The account ICW §§ 30 ff. ZKG is not our N26 standard account. The German Payment Accounts Act (Zahlungskontengesetz or ZKG) gives all consumers who legally reside in the European Union the right to hold a basic payment account. This applies to those who live in a supported country.
The N26 Basiskonto comes with a monthly 8.90 € account management fee. You can find all other fees in our pricing lists (new tab). If you don’t have a bank account at N26 or at any other financial institution in Germany yet, you can apply. Under some circumstances, N26 is allowed to reject your request.
Please note that some products and services such as N26 Overdraft, N26 Credit, N26 Smart, N26 You, or N26 Metal are not accessible with an N26 Basiskonto.
To request a Basiskonto:
- Download the request form (new tab) and complete it with a handwritten signature.
- In the request form you’ll find an attached coupon for legitimation at Deutsche Post AG. Go to your nearest Deutsch Post office, in order to prove your identity with the coupon.
- In addition, send us the completed and signed request via post to: N26 10026 Berlin GERMANY
- Once we’ve received your form and determined whether we can open a Basiskonto for you, we’ll send you an email including the contract and the T&Cs (new tab).
- You then send us your signed contract via post to our address.
- As soon as we receive the contract we’ll open a Basiskonto for you. You’ll receive a notification.
Why can't I get a Basiskonto?
Under some circumstances, N26 is allowed to reject your Basiskonto request. That’s the case if you:
- Live outside of a supported country.
- Already have an N26 bank account or another bank account in Germany and can use it to its full extent.
- Were convicted of a crime against the bank, its employees, or its customers within the past 3 years.
- Have already maintained a Basiskonto at N26 in the past that was closed due to prohibited usage or a negative balance.
- You didn’t meet minimum requirements in accordance to the Money Laundering Act and the Credit Services Act.