Garnishment: What can I do?

Has your account been frozen due to a garnishment order? In this article you’ll learn what you can do to settle your outstanding debt and unfreeze your account if it is garnished. First, please carefully read the message we sent you under “Messages from N26” in your N26 app. After that, you have three options:

Option 1: Settle the debt from your N26 account

Provided you have sufficient funds in your N26 account, you can pay the garnishment amount with a transfer order. Please note that the transfer order must also cover all interest and fees associated with the garnishment. We can only release your account when this is done. 

This is what you have to do:

  1. Download the transfer order form
  2. Print out the form 
  3. Fill out the transfer order completely and sign it 
  4. Email us a scan or photo to Please use the email address you have on file with us for this.
  5. You can also send us the copy directly from your “Messages from N26” mailbox as a reply to our original message. Please note that the attachment in your mailbox can’t be larger than 25 MB.

Your messages will be securely encrypted during transmission. If you still prefer to send us the form by mail, you can send it to the following address:

N26 Claims 10026 Berlin

It can take approximately 5 business days to process your transfer order. Please don’t contact us regarding the current processing status, to avoid unnecessarily prolonging the processing time. We’ll inform you as soon as you can fully access your account by sending a message to your “Messages from N26” mailbox.

Option 2: Settle the claim from another bank account

You don’t have sufficient funds in your N26 bank account to settle the garnishment claim and unlock your account? You can, of course, settle the claim from another bank account after consulting with your creditor. Your creditor must inform us after the transfer has been received that the garnishment has been lifted. They can inform us by mail to the following address:

N26 Claims 10026 Berlin

Please note:

  • We only accept and process information to remove the garnishment that we receive directly from your creditor. Unfortunately, we can’t accept information or documents from you.
  • If you want to tell us something about your garnishment, you can send us a message from your “Messages from N26” mailbox. However, please don’t send us any further information, to avoid unnecessarily prolonging the processing time.
  • If your account is still frozen despite the payment, it can be for two reasons: the creditor hasn’t sent us the necessary documents yet or the processing period of approximately 5 business days hasn’t passed yet.
  • If you agree with the creditor on an instalment and they send us a suspension notice, this is unfortunately not enough to unfreeze your account.

Option 3: Convert your account to a P-account.

Are you wondering what else you can do if your account is garnished? There is a third option: converting your account into a P-account. This is a garnishment protection account – a normal bank account in which a certain monthly amount remains unaffected by garnishment, and you have free access to this amount.

Please note that the application for and operation of a garnishment protection account will be reported to Schufa AG. In this case, we must cancel any existing overdraft facility or other credit. You can find out how to apply for a P-account and what else you should pay attention to here

Account garnishment: How do we proceed? 

If you don’t use any of the above options within the next 4 weeks, in case of garnishment we have to pay out any remaining balance on your account to your creditor up to the amount of the claim. After that, we can unlock your account again.

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