Opening an N26 Business Account in France: SIRET Explained

To open an N26 Business account in France, customers must provide a valid SIRET number, which is similar to a VAT number.

Understanding SIREN and SIRET numbers

Both SIREN and SIRET are identification numbers used for businesses in France.

  • SIREN Number: A unique 9-digit identifier assigned to each business entity. It identifies the company as a whole.
  • SIRET Number: A 14-digit code that includes the SIREN number followed by a 5-digit NIC (Numéro Interne de Classement), which identifies the specific establishment of the business. Essentially, the SIRET number identifies each individual location or establishment of that company.

Where to find your SIREN and SIRET numbers

You can find your SIREN and SIRET numbers in your personal space on, or on

What do they mean?

  • SIREN: Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ENtreprises (Identification System of the Directory of Companies)
  • SIRET: Système d'Identification du Répertoire des ÉTablissements (Identification System of the Directory of Establishments)
  • NIC: Numéro Interne de Classement (Internal Classification Number)

How to obtain them

These numbers are assigned following the registration of your company (also called activity declaration). You automatically receive them as soon as your application for registration is accepted.

Where can I get more info?

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