How to make a donation with N26?

N26 is involved in the fight against hunger and inequality alongside humanitarian organizations. From now, making a donation from your N26 account will be even easier. 

You can now send a donation to a list of charity organizations we selected, directly from your N26 app. The full amount will be sent via bank transfer to the selected charity.

To send a donation to a charity, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to the app and tap Explore
  2. Under Get more from N26 select Donate to causes that matter to you
  3. Choose a charity organization from the list 
  4. Select Continue to donate
  5. Enter the amount of your donation and confirm the transaction with your PIN

Please note: In many cases, a proof of payment is sufficient for claiming tax deduction of your donation as part of your personal income tax return. However, in case you require a formal donation certificate from the charity, we would ask you to contact the charity directly (together with your proof of payment) as only charities may issue donation certificates and not N26.

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