How to make a SEPA transfer?

You can send debit transfers to any country within the SEPA zone (if the receiving bank accepts Euros).

Outgoing debit transfers can be made in either the N26 app or our web app.

  1. From the Home screen choose the Send money tab
  2. Select a recipient from the contact list
  3. Enter the amount and select Continue
  4. Enter an optional reference text and select Continue
  5. Choose to send it as an Instant Bank Transfer or Standard Bank Transfer
  6. Enter your confirmation PIN
  7. Confirm the transfer on the review screen

In case you are making a SEPA transfer via web app, you’ll then need to either Confirm or Cancel the transfer via push notification in the app from your paired device. Once the transfer was confirmed in the mobile app, we can't reverse it or change the recipient's details.

How can I add a new recipient?

  1. From the Home screen choose the Send money tab
  2. On the contact list screen, simply select the + icon at the top right corner
  3. Select Bank Transfer to initiate a SEPA transfer
  4. Enter the recipient’s name and IBAN and tap Continue
    1. Alternatively, you can tap the camera icon to scan the name and IBAN, OR
    2. Scan a QR code to input the name and IBAN
  5. Next here, proceed like Step 4. above by entering an optional reference text

I can’t confirm my transfer, what to do?

  • Ensure that you have a stable internet connection.
  • Ensure that your mobile phone has push notifications enabled. This is done through the phone settings, not in our app. Otherwise, you will see your transfer pending confirmation in the home screen.
  • Ensure that you use your paired device.

How can I download a transfer confirmation?

  1. Go to your Transactions list (home screen)
  2. Locate and select the specific debit transfer
  3. Scroll down to the Transaction Information and tap PDF by selecting Transfer Confirmation.
    1. You can also send outgoing SEPA transfers directly from your Spaces with assigned IBANs. Simply go into the Space with an assigned IBAN, select Send Money.

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