How to request a refund for a direct debit?

Refunding a direct debit does not cancel the contract you have with the merchant.

You have the ability to request a SEPA direct debit refund in the app yourself up to 8 weeks after it has been debited. When you complete the refund request, the funds will be available on your account immediately.

Requesting a direct debit refund in my main account

  1. Login to the N26 mobile app
  2. Open your transaction list and select the direct debit in question
  3. Choose Initiate a refund

Requesting direct debit refund in my IBAN Space (subaccount)

You can also request a direct debit refund in your IBAN-assigned Spaces:

  1. Login to the N26 mobile app
  2. Tap on Spaces
  3. Go to the Space you wish to refund a direct debit
  4. Select the direct debit transaction in question
  5. Choose Initiate a refund

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