How to cancel my N26 premium membership?

N26 Smart, N26 You or N26 Metal contracts have an initial term of one year with an automatic renewal after the first 12 months, and then move to an indefinite contract term. You can choose to stop this automatic renewal at any time during the first 12 months of your contract.

After this renewal, the contract becomes indefinite - but you can cancel your membership at any time.

In this article you will find the difference between revocation, cancellation of the membership and cancellation of the renewal of your membership. You have 3 options:

  • Revoke your membership within the 14-day revocation period (this is a legal time frame, you can request this by contacting us).
  • Stop your membership renewal at any time before the end of the first 12-month contract by contacting us via chat.
  • Cancel your membership at any time (you can cancel immediately at any time without limitation by contacting us via chat).

Premium to Premium downgrade

If you want, you’re now able to downgrade to another Premium account without having to downgrade to Standard, and so keeping all your Spaces, round-up rules and income sorter.

To do so, login to your mobile app, go to My Account and open your Membership details. Select Modify Membership and you’ll then be able to choose another Premium Membership that suits your needs. 


You can revoke your membership within the 14-day revocation period. This period starts as soon as the first monthly fee is charged. Simply contact us and we'll assist you from there. If you revoke any of our Premium membership tiers, you will be able to upgrade again to the same or another tier.

Stop the renewal of your membership

Your N26 premium membership has an initial 12-month contract period.  At the end of the first 12 months the membership will automatically renew and move to an indefinite contract period, unless you contact us and ask to stop the renewal.

You can request this at any time before your 12-month renewal date, and we’ll notify you of the renewal via email 8 weeks before your anniversary date.

If you choose to stop your renewal, you can continue to use your N26 Mastercard and all your premium membership benefits until your membership expires. That means you’ll keep your insurance coverage (for N26 You and N26 Metal) for as long as you’re still required to pay your membership fee. After that, a Virtual card will be issued to you on the contract anniversary date immediately upon downgrade. There is a minimum balance requirement of €10. No need to contact us about it, it will be processed automatically.

Cancel your membership at any time

If you want to terminate your membership at any time after the 14-day revocation period, please contact us. If you choose this option with N26 You or N26 Metal, your insurance benefits will stop and your Smart, You and Metal Premium cards will also be deactivated.

If you want to definitely close your account, visit our article How to close my N26 account.

FAQs about the N26 Premium subscription cancellation

Do I have to close my account to cancel my Premium subscription?

No, you can simply change your subscription in the N26 app and your new account will be set up immediately.

What happens to my IBAN if I cancel my Premium subscription?

Changing your subscription does not affect your bank details, so your IBAN will remain unchanged.

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