How to split shared expenses with MoneyBeam?

Eligibility: Available for EU Standard and Premium customers iOS. Android to be available in the coming weeks.

Split the bill

With our latest “Split the bill” feature, you can easily split shared expenses amongst friends and family using your N26 app. From splitting the bill at a restaurant to chipping in for a birthday gift, you can use it for any kind of purchase where you’re sharing the cost with others. You can even split the cost for home expenses, such as a utility bill or items for your home.

For any card transaction you make, you have the option to split the bill evenly or enter custom amounts for each person who is contributing to the group purchase. You can split expenses with anyone, whether or not they are N26 customers.

How to split the bill?

You must use your N26 card to first make the purchase, then when you are ready to split the bill, follow the below steps:

  1. Following your purchase, open your N26 app
  2. Find the transaction on ‘Home’ tab, tap it and choose ‘Split the bill’
  3. Add the people you are splitting the cost with (for non-N26 customers, you’ll need to include their name)
  4. Once ready, tap the green button at the bottom of the screen to confirm the split amounts Non-N26 customers will receive a message with your details and the amount you're requesting
  5. Finally tap ‘Confirm’ to send out the remaining requests to fellow N26 customers who will receive a request via MoneyBeam


  • Requests to N26 customers: This will work just like a normal MoneyBeam request.
  • Requests to non-N26 customers: You will receive a standard template with your IBAN details which you can edit. This can then be sent via any other messaging platform on your device (e.g. email, WhatsApp, Signal, etc.). Please note, these requests can’t be tracked in the app.
  • View amount left to be paid: N26 customers and yourself will be able to see the total amount to split and how much of the total bill is left to be paid. If the total purchase amount does not equal the amount split, then you will see a warning message (but still have the option to continue anyway).
  • Maximum of 20 open MoneyBeam requests: You can have up to 20 open MoneyBeam requests at any one time, and a maximum of 3 open requests with a single contact. If your limit has been reached, you will see a message explaining this.

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