What are “Messages” ?

The security of your personal data is our priority. That’s why we created an inbox in the N26 app that allows us to share any communication. Any content that includes personal data is communicated in Messages. We’ll still use your email address to communicate general information.

What is personal data?

Personal data is any information that relates to you as a person and identifies or could possibly identify you. It could be your account details, your address (email or postal), ID documents, proof of residence, but also the notification about your accrued overdraft interest or your monthly standing order.

How does it work?

When we send you a message to Messages, you’ll receive a push notification on your paired smartphone and an email to your registered email address. Once connected to the Webapp, you’ll also be notified by an info card of any new messages.

We’ll send you a message that you can find in your Messages from N26, and ask that you reply directly from there.

This feature is available in our mobile app, by clicking on the Support icon on the top right hand corner. Make sure you downloaded the latest app version.

You can’t initiate a conversation, but you’ll be able to reply as soon as we send you the first message. If you need to provide us with a document, simply select Add Attachment. Please make sure that the total file size of your attachments per message doesn't exceed 25MB.

Messages doesn’t replace our chat and you can still send us an email. If you need to get in touch with us first, visit our page How to contact N26? If we need to verify you, we’ll ask you to open a chat with us.

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