Will my direct debit go through if I'm low on funds?

If your balance can’t cover a direct debit* when it’s due, it’ll bounce and you’ll be charged a 3 € fee**. If you have a negative account balance, you may also be charged an overdraft interest which varies depending on your T&C country. It’s not possible to delay a direct debit.

Turn on the notifications to not miss any payments Remember to enable notifications in your N26 app from your smartphone's settings. We will always notify you a few days before you receive any scheduled payments on your account, so you can make sure you have sufficient funds to pay them.

To avoid this fee in the future, you can instantly check whether you’re eligible for an Overdraft directly in the app (available in Germany and Austria).

IBANs for Spaces: If you have assigned an IBAN to a Space and you do not have enough funds to cover an outgoing direct debit, the direct debit will bounce and you’ll be charged a 3 € fee** from your main account. Please note, it is not possible to go into an overdraft within a Space.

*For Non-Euro countries only: If you are setting up a direct debit with a merchant in your home currency, it's the receiving bank who dictates the currency exchange and the ultimate amount that is collected from us. See the below list of countries:

  • Bulgaria
  • Croatia
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Hungary
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Norway
  • Poland
  • Romania
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland

**The fee for customers with a Spanish IBAN is 9 €. The fee for customers with a French IBAN is 15 € (or the amount of the direct debit if it’s lower than 15 €)

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