Where is my refund?

In most cases, your refund will be visible in the app on the day of the original transaction, not the refund date. Scroll down your transaction list or download your previous balance statements to find it.

To view and download PDFs of your (preliminary and previous) monthly balance statements:

  • On the WebApp: From Transactions, click on the cloud icon in the upper-right corner to reach Downloads then select Bank statements.
  • On the mobile app: Login to the app and tap on the menu with the three lines in the top right corner. Next, tap balance statements. Next, select the appropriate account or space, and choose the applicable month. You can see the option to save the balance statement on your device by tapping on the share icon in the top right corner.

The amounts blocked as a car rental deposit can take up to 30 days to return to your account while a refund of a card payment will be automatically credited to your account within a maximum of 14 days.

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