How to get a bank statement?

A bank statement is a document that shows the total balance of your account and all incoming and outgoing transactions, including transfers, direct debits, card payments, etc. It also shows the name and surname of the account holder, and the IBAN and BIC numbers of the account. Here’s how to find yours:

  • From the mobile app (PDF): on the Home screen, tap the 3 horizontal bars in the top right-hand corner and select Balance Statements.
    • You can also download a statement for a specific space (PDF format): go to Finances, choose one of your spaces, tap the settings icon in the top right corner and select Balance Statements.
  • From the WebApp (PDF): click the download icon* and select the relevant month under Bank statements.
  • From the WebApp (CSV): click the download icon* and, under CSV, select the start and end dates you need and click on Download CSV.

Please note: If you wish to download the balance statement for a Space in a CSV format, it's currently only available via the WebApp. To do so, go to Spaces, choose one of your spaces, tap the settings icon and select Balance Statements, then choose the start and end dates you need and click on Download CSV.

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