How to change my phone number, address, or other personal data?
For regulatory and functional purposes, it’s very important to keep your personal data up-to-date.
How to update my phone number, email address, delivery address, home address, or tax information?
You can update this information directly in the app. Simply:
- Login to the mobile app
- In the top right corner, tap on your initials
- Tap Personal Details
- Next, tap on:
- Personal Information to update your phone number* or email address*
- Addresses, then tap Home address or Delivery address
- Tax information
*Please note:
- Updating your phone number, email address, or Home address in the app requires that you’re using your paired device. Please always make sure you have a paired device before updating your personal data.
- Your Home address can be changed within the app. If we can match your address, you can complete the update with Biometrics (Face ID or Fingerprint scanner). If we’re unable to match your address, you will be sent a request for a proof of address.
How to update my name, nationality, or sex?
To update your name, nationality, or sex, please open a chat with us directly from the app and have the following information at hand:
- Name and Sex: we require 2 forms of ID to perform an update:
- A copy of the frontside and backside of your new ID card or a copy of your passport, as well as
- An official document of the change, such as a marriage certificate or updated birth certificate. After we confirm the update, please remember to reorder your card so your card reflects the updated information.
- Nationality: a copy of the frontside and backside of your new ID card or a copy of your passport
How to update my password?
Learn more about how to create and update your password in our dedicated article: How to create a password?