How to create a password?

You can update your password in the app as follows:

  1. Login the app
  2. In the top right corner, tap on your initials
  3. Tap on Security
  4. Tap Change password
  5. Enter your current password, choose a new password and confirm again with the new password
  6. Tap Save

How to reset my password, if I forgot it?

If you forgot your password and can’t login anymore, you can also reset is as follows:

  1. Open the login screen in the mobile app or the web app
  2. Tap (or klick) Forgot?
  3. You’ll receive an email to your registered email address with instructions
  4. Follow the instructions to reset your password

How to choose a strong password?

We only accept passwords that are considered robust by our algorithm. However, we recommend using a ‘passphrase’ rather than just a pass-word. It should be hard to guess, but easy for you to remember.

In case your password is not accepted by our system, try adding more special characters, numbers and vary between uppercase and lowercase letters.

If you enter your password incorrectly six times in a row, you’ll be temporarily blocked from your account. If this happens, try logging in again after 30 minutes.

Chat is available everyday from 07:00-23:00 including Sundays and bank holidays.

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