Where to find your Tax ID | N26 Support ES

Where to find your Tax ID

Your Tax Identification Number (TIN) is unique to you, and issued by the tax authority upon registration with them in the country where you as an individual are a taxpayer.

Where to find Your TIN can differ depending on which country you are tax eligible. Please be aware that each country's TIN name can be different, e.g. If you’re from the UK you can think of your TIN number like your National Insurance Number (NIN).

Where to find your Tax ID for Austrian residents:

If you’re a resident in Austria, you can request your 9 digit Tax ID (“Steuernummer”) at your local tax authority (“Finanzamt”). You can also request it via Finanzonline. If you’re already subject to taxation or filed a tax return in the past, you can find your Tax ID in the following places:

  • Via Finanzonline. (Log in with your credentials or with your ID Austria/mobile phone signature and click on “Abfragen” -> “Steuerkonto”)
  • On your income tax assessment (“EInkommenssteuerbescheid”)
  • At your local tax authority (“Finanzamt”)

Where to find your Tax ID for German residents:

If you’re a resident in Germany and you have registered with your local tax authority, you will be provided with an 11 digit TIN or Steueridentifikationsnummer. Do not confuse this with your 9 digit Tax Number or Steuernummer.

TIN’s are not reported on official identification documents, but you can find your TIN in the following places:

  • The letter you received from the Federal Central Tax Office issuing your TIN or IdNr (Mitteilungsschreiben über die Zuordnung einer Identifikationsnummer).
  • Income tax assessment
  • Wage tax statement

For more information on locating your TIN, or if you need to request one, you can learn more here.

Where to find your Tax ID for French residents:

If you’re a resident in France and obligated to declare taxes there, then the French tax authorities will issue you with a 13 digit TIN or SPI (Simplification des Procédures d'Imposition) once you've registered in the tax authorities’ database. These numbers begin with a 0, 1, 2 or 3.

You can find your TIN in the following places:

  • On your pre-printed income tax declaration form
  • Additionally, you can locate it on your tax and property tax notices

For more information on locating your TIN or if you need to request one, you can learn more here.

Where to find your Tax ID for Italian residents:

If you’re a resident in Italy then a TIN or Codice fiscale (consists of 16 characters) is only valid if registered in the Italian Tax Register managed by the Italian Revenue Agency (Agenzia delle Entrate). If you do not have a TIN, you should submit a request to any Office of the Italian Revenue Agency.

TIN’s are not reported on official documents of identification, but you can find your TIN in the following places:

  • Your TIN is located on your personal health card (Tax Identification Number, Tessera sanitaria/Codice fiscale).
  • You can also locate your TIN on your TIN card.

For more information on locating your TIN or if you need to request one, you can learn more here.

Where to find your Tax ID for Spanish residents:

If you’re a resident in Spain, your TIN is unique for tax and customs purposes. Your Spanish TIN consists of nine characters (with the last character being a letter for control). TIN’s are issued by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and can differ depending on whether you're a natural person with Spanish nationality or without.

You can find your TIN in the following places depending on your circumstances:

  • Personal identity card
  • Electronic identity card
  • Foreigners resident card
  • New driving licence (since 2004)
  • Tax identification card
  • Social security card

For more information on locating your TIN or if you need to request one, you can learn more here.

Where to find your Tax ID for other residents:

If you’re a resident in another country, you can find more information regarding the Tax ID via this OECD website.

Important information:

  • The tax ID format allowed to be entered in your N26 App is determined by the country you're in. Meaning if you are a resident in Germany, you must enter your German TIN.
  • You can check the tax information you've saved in your account by tapping on your initials, then:
    • Personal Details > Tax info.
  • If you’ve entered the country in which you are liable for tax but not your tax identification number, please remove the country from the list shown to you in the app, reenter the country, and enter your tax identification number again.

You can find out more information about what we do with your tax information here.

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