Can I have my pension credited to my N26 account?

N26 Bank SE - Sign-ups before 26/03/2020 with German IBAN

Having your pension credited to your N26 account is very simple. 

  • Fill in the online and sign the appropriate form provided by INPS;
  • Send the completed and signed form by email to (remember to send the email from the address associated with your N26 account).

We will fill out the part due to the bank and send you the form back via email within a few days. In the form you may find references to Citibank N.A., the institution that provides for the crediting of INPS pensions abroad.

If you're having trouble crediting your pension, and to prevent subsequent pension payments from being suspended, here's important information you should know. 

The second life existence campaign 2022 ended on January 12, 2023, if by this date you have not yet provided the necessary documentation, here's what you need to do: 

  • By February 16, 2023, arrange for the cash withdrawal of the pension at one of the Western Union branches of the February pension installment only. In this way, in fact, subsequent payments will not be subject to any suspension and can be carried out regularly according to the chosen method, without the need for further obligations.
  • After February 16, 2023, if you have not collected the pension payment before this date, the suspended payments can be restored only after collecting the February installment.

For payments that may be suspended until your profile is reactivated, you must request the payment by contacting the INPS office that manages your pension directly or the INPS Contact Center at +39 02 6943 0693 or by sending an email to

For more details on the life existence campaign and the necessary documentation, you can refer to the information page of Citibank N.A., the institution that provides for the crediting of INPS pensions abroad.

N26 Bank SE, Italian branch - Accounts opened from 26/03/2020 with Italian IBAN

At the moment it is not possible to credit retirement benefits to the N26 account for customers with Italian IBAN, as our banking / financial institution is NOT affiliated for this purpose. We will update all our customers and provide all the details and instructions as soon as the service is available. 

In the event that you want to receive the payment of a non-pension benefit (Naspi, Layoff, baby sitting bonus, universal single allowance, etc.) to allow the control of the ownership of the IBAN, you must attach to the application a copy, in pdf format, of the financial identification model provided for the countries of the SEPA area duly completed (MV70 form).

  • Fill in the online and sign the appropriate form provided by INPS;
  • Send the completed and signed form by email to (remember to send the email from the email address associated with your N26 account).

We will fill out the part due to the bank and send you the form again by email within a few days.

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