How can I pay bills and top-up my phone from the app?

Starting from the 1st of September, it will be possible for all the customers with Italian Terms and Conditions to pay postal bills, PagoPA, MAV / RAV, car tax and top-up their phone directly from their mobile app with the N26 debit card.

This service is provided in collaboration with PayTipper SpA, a payment institution that has been a partner of the Enel X group since 2019.

How to make payments to 3rd parties within the N26 mobile app:

  • Log in to the N26 app and click on Send money
  • Select the + sign on the top right hand corner
  • In the menu, select the payment you want to make (Phone top-up, PagoPA, Postal bulletins, MAV or RAV, Car tax)
  • You will then be redirected to the website of that service provider and will be able to perform the payment

The service is not provided directly by N26 but by the 3rd party service providers. For this reason, by using this payment method, you will be subject to the processing of personal data, terms and conditions and any possible commissions not dependent on N26. In some cases the service might be offered only in Italian.

If you need assistance with a payment or would like to receive a payment receipt, please get in contact with the customer support of the service provider you have chosen.

Click here to get in touch with PayTipper

Below you can find customer support contacts for the main Italian network providers (please refer to the respective websites for opening hours and service costs):

  • Vodafone: 190
  • Tim: 187
  • Wind Tre: 159
  • Iliad: 177
  • Kena Mobile: 181
  • Ho.Mobile: 19.21.21

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