Report an Insurance Claim - N26 Support Center | N26 Support IT

How to report an insurance claim?

Your N26 You and N26 Metal membership includes a wide range of insurance benefits, covered by our partner Allianz Global Assistance Europe.*

To report a claim, log into your mobile app, tap on your initials > Your membership > Insurance Coverage, then get in contact with Allianz, by selecting their email address or phone number. The hotline is available 24/7.

There you'll find:

  • A guide to submit your claim (for example, flight or luggage delay, extended warranty, or travel cancellation)
  • Your account and contract information, including your Allianz Assistance beneficiary number
  • The option to contact Allianz Assistance directly in the case of a medical emergency

For emergencies, please have the following information ready:

  • The full address and telephone number of your current location
  • Names of all official contacts (doctors, hospitals, and/or police)
  • An exact description of the situation

*Allianz Global Assistance Europe is a trading name of AWP P&C S.A. - Dutch branch, and a member of the Allianz Group.

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