Moneybeam Users Visibility - N26 Support Center | N26 Support IT

Why can’t I see other N26 users on MoneyBeam?

To carry out real-time transactions such as MoneyBeams, N26 checks your smartphone’s contact list and finds other N26 users based on saved phone numbers or emails. You can also enter someone’s contact details manually to send them a MoneyBeam.

If you don’t see your friend’s name on MoneyBeam but you know they’re an N26 user, they most likely haven’t made themselves visible. Indeed you can manage your visibility as an N26 user.

Most MoneyBeam transfers that fail between N26 users happen because there are multiple phone numbers or emails listed in the contact entry of a phone's address book. To avoid this, make sure you have the email and phone number your friend uses in your phone book in order to send them MoneyBeams. If the contact details you have stored don’t match, you cannot send a MoneyBeam to your friend.

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