Who can sign up for N26 Business?

ℹ️ Applies to Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland. 

How do N26 Business accounts work? 

N26 offers a wide range of Business accounts, designed for freelancers and the self-employed, with a Mastercard linked to their account, entitling them to up to 0.5% monthly cashback on all their business payments.

(The cashback offered by N26 Business accounts is not the Government Cashback, which can currently be activated for all N26 Mastercards.)

If you are interested in Allianz coverage or other Premium perks, besides the N26 Business account, you can also opt for N26 Business You , N26 Business Metal, or N26 Business Smart.

Who can sign up for N26 Business? 

N26 Business accounts are reserved exclusively for:

  • freelancers enrolled in a professional register or order (such as architects, lawyers, pharmacists, and nurses)
  • other freelancers, i.e. the self-employed and individual entrepreneurs with a VAT number (such as designers, photographers, electricians, or owners of B&Bs and holiday homes with VAT numbers).
  • sole proprietorships registered in the Business Register of the Chamber of Commerce

However, it is not possible to sign up for an N26 Business in the name of a partnership (e.g., GPs and LPs), capital company (e.g., LLCs and INCs), or another entity, including subjects with legal status and liability. 

What is the VAT number and where can I find it?

The VAT number is an 11-digit numeric code, which is used to uniquely identify the owner of a given professional activity, such as the personal tax code. Under Italian law, anyone who carries out a continuous activity for more than 30 days, in fact, has the obligation to register for VAT.

This can be of two types: ordinary or flat-rate tax regime, depending on the revenues and expenses incurred for the activity. The opening of the VAT number takes place by submitting a specific form to the Revenue Agency:

The form must be submitted or sent online via the Tax Agency portal within 30 days of starting the professional activity. As soon as the opening application is approved and completed, you will receive the Certificate of attribution of the VAT number containing the relevant code assigned to you by post and in the reserved area of ​​the Tax Agency portal .

What is the ATECO code and where can I find it?

The ATECO code is an alphanumeric abbreviation used to classify a commercial activity and to assign a risk level to that company, according to the ATECO 2007 classification currently in force. The code must be entered at the time of the request to open the VAT number, in order to communicate to the Tax Agency the type of activity that will be carried out. It will also be possible to add different ATECO codes with the opening of additional VAT numbers. You can find the ATECO code on the Certificate of attribution of the VAT number or on the Chamber of Commerce registration in the case of sole proprietorships.

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