Manage your Account Details - N26 Support Center | N26 Support EU

How to find my IBAN or account number?

You can find your IBAN and BIC number on your balance statements or in Account details from the mobile app or WebApp (if you haven’t activated your card and need to top up your account).

You can easily share your bank information through the share button in Personal account. Or you can download your bank account information as a PDF by logging into the WebApp and selecting the download icon on the top-right corner and then Bank information.

At N26, all our IBANs are not built the same. They can be differentiated depending on the country code they start with.

  • DE country code is followed by 20 digits (an IBAN key, our 10011001 bank code and your 10-digit account number)
  • IT country code is followed by 25 digits
  • ES country code is followed by 22 digits
  • FR country code can be followed by up to 25 digits

Download your RIB in a few clicks from your N26 webapp

  1. Log in to your account and find your transaction list
  2. Go to the ‘Downloads’ tab (arrow icon next to the ‘Send’ button)
  3. Select the ‘Download your RIB’ option

You will receive the document directly in your app, in your ‘Messages from N26’: My account > Help > Messages from N26

Vous recevrez ce document directement dans votre application, via les 'Messages de N26': Mon compte > Aide > Messages de N26.

Make sure you downloaded the latest version of the N26 app so that you can access it.

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