N26 Support Center | N26 Support EU

How can I provide proof of origins of funds for my account?

As a fully licensed bank, N26 must carry out routine technical checks on customer accounts. As a regulated institution, this helps us ensure that the funds held in N26 accounts are kept safe and secure.

On occasion, the results of these routine checks may require us to reach out to an account holder to ask for proof of the origin of the funds in the account, which is a practice in line with German banking regulations. 

Whenever this may be the case, we will only ever contact you at the email address associated with your N26 account. Clear instructions will be provided in this email on how you will be able to submit these documents, which can include scans or photos of receipts, payslips, invoices or payment instructions. 

Always be vigilant and verify that such emails come from N26 - we will never ask for your N26 account details, password or any details shared in your verification process. 

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