Why was I contacted by PWC Audit?

As a procedure of the Financial Statement Audit, you might have received a letter from our auditors, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), asking to confirm your N26 bank account balance at the end of the previous year. 

This is part of an audit procedure that PwC carries out to validate the accuracy of the amount of our customers' deposits that we have in our balance sheet.

Why have I received this letter?

As part of an audit obligation, our auditor (PwC) randomly selects a number of customers to crosscheck N26 accounting information. This procedure is required to enable the auditor (PwC) to comply with the ICAC (Institute for Accounting and Financial Statements Audit of Spain) regulation

If you received the letter, you were selected to participate in this process.

Who is PwC?

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) located in Torre PwC. Paseo de la Castellana, 259 B - 28046 Madrid are N26’s external auditors. 

They are entitled to provide us with support regarding some of the legal and regulatory obligations N26 has as a Bank.

Why does PwC have access to my personal data?

N26 Bank SE is the body responsible for the collection, processing and use of your personal data. 

Nevertheless, in order to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations, some of our data processing activities can be carried out by a third party on behalf of N26. In this case, N26 has appointed PwC as processors for audit purposes. PwC will process your personal data solely for the purpose of complying with the legal obligations for which it has been designated as personal data processor. This provision is established in the N26 Privacy Policy.

You can find our Data Protection Policy on our website: https://n26.com/en-es/legal-documents/privacy-policy

What do I have to do with this letter?

If you have received the letter, you can follow the instructions described on it. Once you can confirm that your annual balance information present in the letter matches with the reality, please sign it and send it back to the email address available on the letter or to the post address of our external auditors.

Am I obliged to respond to the letter?

No, it is not mandatory to respond to the letter. Nevertheless, your collaboration would be much appreciated and would support us to move forward with the audit.

Information notice on the processing of personal data (GDPR)

The organization responsible for the collection, processing, and use of your personal data is:

N26 Bank SE, branch in Spain Paseo de la Castellana, 43, 28046 Madrid, Spain

N26 has appointed a Data Protection Officer, who can be contacted at dpo@n26.com.

You will find more detailed information about N26 in the legal notice available on our website: https://n26.com/en-es/legal-documents and the data protection policy at https://docs.n26.com/legal/03+ES/03+Privacy%20Policy/en/01privacy-policy-en.pdf

There is a possibility that certain third parties may carry out some of our processing activities on our behalf. When the processing of personal data is carried out on behalf of N26, we enter into a separate contract with the data processor in accordance with Article 28 of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (hereinafter referred to as "GDPR").

In this case, the data processor designated by N26 Bank SE, branch in Spain, for the purpose of carrying out an accounting audit is:

PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) PwC Tower. Paseo de la Castellana, 259 B - 28046 Madrid

We process your personal data in accordance with the GDPR and any other national legislation, including, among others, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Protection Regulation").

In order to comply with this Data Protection Regulation, PwC will process your personal data solely for the purpose of fulfilling the legal obligations for which it has been designated as the data processor. This provision is established in N26's Privacy Policy, particularly in Section II (Purpose and legal basis of data processing) which is set out below regarding our specific data processing activities:

The processing is necessary for compliance with the legal obligations of the data controller (Article 6.1.c of the GDPR).

N26 is subject to various legal obligations, as well as regulatory requirements, which require the processing of personal data for purposes such as verifying identity and age, preventing money laundering and fraud, participating in judicial or police proceedings and activities, verifying credit risk rating, monitoring and reporting obligations based on provisions from supervisory authorities, tax legislation, and N26's risk assessment. These obligations arise from current banking legislation and regulatory requirements, including anti-money laundering laws, laws against the financing of terrorism, banking laws, tax laws, and any other binding measures in financial matters.

You will find our privacy policy on our website:


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